Category: lifestyle change

The Rules and Not the Rules of Weight and Weight Loss

Calories in, calories out, right? Eat less and move more. Those are the two foundational rules of weight loss and weight management. There really can be no argument, they are true. But why do our bodies seem to defy them? I’ve had a fever for four days. Picked up some viral thing I guess, very …

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Weight—and Weight Denial—Weigh Heavy

We can deny an awful lot of things in our lives and find ways to believe what we want. We can carry on these deceptions for a shockingly long time and often get away with it! But deceiving ourselves with weight denial carries its own penalty. There’s nowhere to hide. If someone says they’re losing …

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How Fit Can You Be? How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Is it really just a matter of working hard? Wanting it badly enough? If it were, we’d all have fabulous bodies. Motivation, inspiration, setting your mind to it, programming your mind for success…when it comes to weight loss and fitness, none of it really gets the hard work done. Stuff like that can be a …

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When Weight Loss Motivation & Inspiration—Aren’t

Weight loss motivation and “inspiration” are all over the media. It’s supposed to be helpful, right? Keep you on track. Give you direction. But look at this particular “motivational” image: “Strive for progress, not perfection.” OK, good advice I’ll admit. In fact, it’s advice I’d share. But how about the image? Good grief, that woman …

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Being a Fat Spy in a Thin World

After the President’s stunning speech yesterday in which he discussed when he had been regarded with suspicion himself, the discussions and arguments about race are raging on. A friend brought this video to my attention. It’s a segment from the ABC television show, “What Would You Do?” Much of the conversation is about white people …

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It’s Not About Reps or Time—It’s About Your Heart

I will always be fascinated with how our bodies can respond! As I continue focusing on cardio I am appreciating one of the really good things about climbing stairs. It’s completely quantifiable. I can wear my heart rate strap and see exactly how many floors it takes to reach my max. I feel myself improving …

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What a Month of Exercise Can Do

I’m back home after spending a month with my parents in my hometown of Daytona Beach, FL. Primarily, of course, I wanted to spend time with my parents who are now in their late 70s-early 80s and both quite healthy and active! But I also hoped to use the time to break myself out of …

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Diets Don’t Work and Exercise Won’t Make You Thin

Certain ideas have a way of working themselves into paradigmatic status, mostly because ambiguous “evidence” appears to tell us what we want to believe. Joining the old saw “Diets don’t work” is now the belief that “exercise won’t make you thin.” But let’s look at what’s really driven these assumptions. First of all, diets DO …

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Food on My Mind—And Off My Mind

Mornings are awesome for me. I never think of food in the morning. There’s nothing I could even want if you waved it under my nose. For my entire life, I’ve never been hungry when I first get up. I have to be up for a couple of hours. But the really amazing thing to …

Continue reading is Your Accurate Source for Health Information will surprise you. Sure it alternates between hilarious and fascinating with articles like “Five Famous People You Won’t Believe Didn’t Really Exist.” But sometimes posts some really interesting stuff, like today’s article inspired by the recent Chris Christie news “According to Science, Fat is Officially Incurable.” The whole point is summed up in …

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