January 2013 archive

Who Knows the Most About You and Your Weight?

You know how good you feel when everything is under control? You’re caught up with things you need to do, nothing major is hanging over your head, your home is the way you like it, you’re getting stuff done. It’s great! Feeling in control brings peace to our minds and hearts; feeling out of control …

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Is a Weight Problem All in your Head?

Who knows you best? Your Mom? Your significant other? Your best friend since third grade? How about YOU? Aren’t you the expert on YOU? Of course! It seemed like this week I happened to come across more presumptuous “experts” than usual. There’s the big story of the week, pompous ass Daniel Callahan, founder of a …

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Bioethicist Quack Promotes “Fat Shaming” to End Obesity

It’s pretty shocking to believe the source of this proposal. The co-founder of a non-profit center dedicated to bioethics research and public policy is promoting “fat shaming” as a solution to the obesity problem. And yes, he actually calls his proposal “Stigmatization.” In his paper “Obesity: Chasing an Elusive Epidemic” Daniel Callahan PhD, co-founder of …

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Yale Study Proves Fat Bias is Real DUH!

Yale University has done a study that focused on how a defendant’s weight affects jury verdict outcomes. The findings? Overweight female defendants were more likely to get a guilty verdict from male jurors. Women displayed less bias but the study found leaner men in particular were likely to judge a fat defendant harshly to the …

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The Thirty-Second “30-30” Weight Loss Workout

Am I recommending a 30-second workout? Oh don’t get your hopes up! I’ll never give in to gimmicks! I’m focusing on more calorie burning lately in an effort to drop the weight I gained while writing my book. My diet remains pretty much the same as it has been; I’m working out a bit more. …

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How Kelloggs Manipulates Your Shame

You’re not defined by your weight! You’re so much more than a number! Imagine getting on that scale and seeing “Joy” and “Spirit” and “Drive” instead of your weight. Doesn’t that celebrate the wonderful person you are? I’ve just described a Kelloggs commercial. If you’ve seen it, would you find yourself thinking “Wow, isn’t this …

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Coca Cola’s Obesity Ad Says You’re Stupid

In the same week that we learn of the UK’s bold new restrictions on weight loss advertising, the world’s most valuable brand debuts a plan of attack. Like tobacco in the 1960s, sweetened beverages are coming under fire so Coca Cola is launching a volley to reposition its brand in the face of intensifying criticism …

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WLS, the “Easy Way Out”—The Definitive Response

I happened to see a photo of Carnie Wilson today and it hit me. It’s so obvious. The definitive response to shut down any idiot who insists that weight loss surgery is the “easy way out.” She failed. Carnie Wilson was a weight loss surgery failure. She gained a load of weight back and had …

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Flab to Fabulous: Fabulously Wealthy?

I just realized something that I decided was worth its own blog post. Mull over this one, folks. The Flab to Fabulous Pageant rules say that every contestant chosen to enter the Semi-Finals will receive $500 cash. It’s in the rules here.  There will be four semi-finalists for each state and Washington DC, one for …

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Flab to Fabulous: It’s About MATH

Consider this an Open Letter to any would-be Flab to Fabulous Pageant contestants. I’ve become aware that there are extremely well-intentioned folks who want to enter the competition in the hopes of donating their prize money to the WLSFA. Very well-intentioned, indeed. But does the MATH work out? I was a licensed Series 3 broker …

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