March 2013 archive

Jillian Michaels Shows Her True Hateful Colors

I just saw an interview with Jillian Michaels on CBS Sunday Morning. She talked about how she’s now a “brand.” She talked about being so stressed out she wants to eat ice cream for dinner and drink wine straight from the bottle. She talked about being so busy she hasn’t been to the gym for …

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Filtering Out the Weight Loss Clichés

It’s quite common for people who are flush with the heady excitement of a recent weight loss to want to spread their freshly-sworn religion. They’re barely used to fitting in armed chairs with their legs crossed and they’re ready to start writing books and announcing their life coach services. Through the years I’ve come upon …

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The Double Standard of Diet Choices and Weight Judgment

I visited friends this weekend; former neighbors of mine with whom I have developed a rather close and unlikely bond. Michael is the pastor of a Baptist church. He has worked extensively in the most impoverished corners of Africa, primarily to address systemic causes of AIDS and the impact of crushing poverty. Michael’s life experience has …

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Eat Chocolate and Lose Weight!!

There’s a post title that should grab me some curious readers and for sure will get me found in search engines!  With every blog post I write, I purposefully and carefully choose a title I hope will draw readers. That’s the whole point of the title. If you’re reading, the title’s done its job. But …

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The Vicious Weight Bias That Has to End

When I was a kid and I helped with the laundry, I thought my mother’s clothes seemed like doll clothes. My mother has always been a tiny little slip of a lady. Now that she’s in her seventies, I have tried to come up with strategies for boosting the nutritional content of the food she’s …

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