It seems unlikely that the “Flab to Fabulous Pageant” will go off as announced at the end of May or sometime in August or whenever, it was never all that certain just WHEN this thing was happening. The pageant’s Facebook page has not had a “Like” in months and there are just a handful of …
Category: Uncategorized
Why I Do Not Stress Over GMOs
Spend any time on Facebook and you’ll see frequent posts about the horrors of Monsanto and the scourge they’re unleashing upon the world. *yawn* I don’t join in the bitching and in fact, I find it quite tedious, even annoying. A lot of it is simply spreading rumors and crazy rants. Why don’t I care? …
Flab to Fabulous: Fabulously Wealthy?
I just realized something that I decided was worth its own blog post. Mull over this one, folks. The Flab to Fabulous Pageant rules say that every contestant chosen to enter the Semi-Finals will receive $500 cash. It’s in the rules here. There will be four semi-finalists for each state and Washington DC, one for …
Flab to Fabulous: It’s About MATH
Consider this an Open Letter to any would-be Flab to Fabulous Pageant contestants. I’ve become aware that there are extremely well-intentioned folks who want to enter the competition in the hopes of donating their prize money to the WLSFA. Very well-intentioned, indeed. But does the MATH work out? I was a licensed Series 3 broker …
“Flab to Fabulous” Pageant: Mystery Prevails
I had a great chat on the phone with a very helpful woman in the Sales Department at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. She confirmed for me that the Flab to Fabulous Pageant does NOT have any event space booked for the dates May 26 to June 2. Those are the dates listed in this “Sponsorship …
Fat Exploitation of a Different Kind
May in Atlanta will see an event billed as “The First, The Only National Pageant for Bariatric Surgery Patients.” The embarrassingly-named “Flab to Fabulous Pageant” will be awarding the titles Mr. & Ms. Fabulous. I’m compelled to wonder what man outside of an Atlantic City lounge act will hope to wear the crown as “Mr. …
The Power of Experience for Developing a Healthy Lifestyle
Yesterday was an amazing gift! Thanks to the eccentricities of Chicago weather, it was sunny and mid-70s. After a week stuck inside with that cold, it was wonderful to get out in the breeze. I walked about 5 miles. I started my day with a kettlebell routine and did a core workout in the evening. …
A Motivational Let Down
Last week I posted the first installment of what I hope to make a weekly YouTube event: Fad Diet Friday. While doing research for my book, I discovered that the main library here in Chicago was well-stocked with diet books from decades back. Each week I’ll look at a different diet book flashback. Last week …
Moving forward with what needs to be done
Welcome to the website for my new book, Powerful Hunger! My mission and goal are to share what I’ve learned in the past several years since I have maintained a weight loss equal to half of my former highest weight. I know that so many of us who deal with a serious weight problem have …